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    A quick glimpse at the cast for this film would make any horror fan giddy with glee. The actual movie doesn't live up to those high expectations, but it's far from being all bad. Desi Arnaz Jr. (!) plays an author who makes a crazy $20,000 bet with his publisher that he could write a great novel in only 24 hours. To do so, the publisher gives him the keys to an old abandoned house where he won't be disturbed. Not true. Once he gets there he is interrupted by a multitude of guests including a family which consists of John Carradine, Sheila Keith, Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. They are gathered there in a twisted family reunion to release their brother from the room he's been imprisoned in for forty years. Even Christopher Lee drops by as Corrigan, the man who has just purchased the house. Soon, they realize that the caged brother is loose and out for revenge.  What a great plotline and what a dream cast! This movie should have been a hell of a lot better. It's hard to pinpoint the exact problems with the film, but I would venture to say that the lack of lighting was a major fault. Sure the house has no electricity but I think they took the title of the movie a little too literally. Scenes after scenes are barely visible and the actors' faces are undecipherable. Only the moments in the main dinning hall are well lit. Also, the great actors are given very little to do. Cushing gets a few chuckles as the scared brother but Price, Lee and especially Carradine are somewhat wasted here. Well, at least Price gets the best line of the film `Please don't interrupt me while I am soliloquizing.' And on the plus side, the story has enough twists and turns throughout to keep one`s interest and the ending, while a bit of a cop-out, manages to surprise.


    • 7.0 更新HD中字 玻璃圈风云 Michael,McGuire,Joseph,R.,Sicari,Denise,Galik-Furey,Jay,Robinson,Robyn,Douglass,Kenneth,McMillan,John,Hurt,Ryan,O'Neal
    • 7.0 HD 御猫三戏锦毛鼠粤语 傅声,郑少秋,惠英红,刘家辉
    • 7.0 HD 还有明天2023 宝拉·柯特莱西,瓦莱里奥·马斯坦德雷亚,罗马纳·马乔拉·韦尔加诺,埃马努艾拉·法内利,乔治·科兰杰利,维尼乔·马尔基奥尼,Francesco,Centorame,Raffaele,Vannoli,保拉·蒂齐亚娜·科努西亚,Yonv,Joseph,阿蕾西娅·贝儿拉,Federico,Tocci,Priscilla,Micol,Marino,Maria,Chiara,Orti,Silvia,Salvatori,Mattia,Baldo,Gianmarco,Filippini,Chiara,Bono
    • 10.0 HD 御猫三戏锦毛鼠国语 傅声,郑少秋,惠英红,刘家辉
    • 3.0 HD 迷你特攻队粤语 成龙,林青霞,王羽,孙越,David,Tao,Jing,Fang,Shiu,Bu,Lia,高凌风,郑少秋,张玲,张冲,陈鸿烈,郑富雄,金彬,金帝,胡翔评,乾德门,柯佑民,李影,李昆,林偕文,林万掌,丹阳,童志
    • 10.0 HD中字 一切徒手2 莫里兹·布雷多,卢卡斯·格雷戈霍威茨
    • 1.0 HD 做工的人2023 李铭顺,游安顺,薛仕凌,柯叔元,苗可丽,曾珮瑜
    • 6.0 HD 无敌幸运星粤语 周星驰,吴君如,陈友,黄秋生,梅小惠,成奎安,林蛟,周比利,翁世杰,程守一,米奇,许英秀,甘露,雷达,西瓜刨,侯焕玲,潘健君,简达华
    • 8.0 更新HD中字 甜蜜的永远 迈克尔·贝兰,米洛斯拉夫·多努蒂尔,西蒙娜·史达索娃,克里斯蒂娜·科胡托娃,耶里·柯达特,伊娃·赫鲁波娃,艾米丽娅·瓦萨约娃,波莱克·波利夫卡,雅洛斯拉夫·杜谢克,史黛拉·查娜克娃,伊里·克列伊契克,翁德雷·布劳塞克,西尔维·考伯利兹克娃,Marek,Javorsky,鲍里斯·许布纳,达格玛·泰希曼诺奥娃
    • 5.0 HD 我们四个 杰克·汤普森,罗素·克劳,约翰·波尔森,德博拉·肯尼迪,Joss,Moroney
    • 8.0 更新HD中字 初吻1980 克洛德·布拉瑟,布丽吉特·佛西,苏菲·玛索,丹尼丝·格雷,Jean-Michel,Dupuis,多米尼克·拉冯纳特,贝纳·纪欧多,Jacques,Ardouin,Evelyne,Bellego,理查德·波林热,让-克洛德·布约,米舍利娜·布尔戴,让-皮埃尔·卡斯塔尔迪,罗贝尔·达尔邦,罗贝尔·勒贝亚尔,Sylvain,Levignac,玛丽-洛朗斯,Frédéric,de,Pasquale,希拉·奥康纳,Arielle,Sémenoff,亚莉珊德拉·葛南,珍妮苏雄,亚历山大·斯特林,Léon,Zitron
    • 4.0 HD中字 德弗里维利 Jacob,Lohmann,S?ren,Malling,Signe,Egholm,Christopher,L?ss?,Anders,Matthesen,Morten,Hebsgaard,Finn,Nielsen


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